
Blue Hollow Hoppery

Welcome to our little rabbitry! We have New Zealands and pedigreed Rex. 

Parent Stock

Sugar- REW New Zealand doe

Mosaic "Mo"- Broken Black Rex buck

Carina- Blue Rex doe

Umber- Chocolate Rex doe

Elliot- Broken Castor buck

Camera shy: We held back one baby from each of Sugar's litters. A REW NZ doe named Pearl and a white rex furred cross doe named Birch. 

Previous Litters:

Our first ever litter of kits- born to Sugar and a New Zealand buck. 8 little ones.

Sugar and Mo's first litter together- 12 little ones!


Our first purebred Rex litter! Umber and Elliot had 6 little ones.

Oh how happy it makes me every night and morning when I see these sweet ones looking up at me! All of the bunnies are so, so sweet and have such hilarious little personalities.

Our first two rabbits- Maple and Sugar. They were so tiny when we got them.

Each rabbit has it's own individual personality. It has been surprising to me to see how much bunnies are like cats and watch each of their personalities develop. 

After a few failed attempts at colony styled living, we have decided that using metal cages is safest, cleanest, and makes us most able to provide the best quality of life that our bunnies deserve. Also Sugar wouldn't stop eating all of the food and Maple was getting hungry- typical sisters. 

Next to the cages is the rabbit command system... which is awesome. Hay/feed/supplies are all in one place and it makes morning routines much easier.

We sell the kits to other homesteaders or people looking for pets. Whichever ones we don't sell we will use for meat production and pelts. 


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