The Silkies
My sister, Katie, is in charge of the Silkie operation. Silkies are small chickens that are covered in fluff instead of feathers. In our experience the Silkies lay just as well as the laying hens, but their eggs are slightly smaller. They typically go broody more often than other chicken breeds which is a positive if you ever plan on hatching out your own eggs. The male Silkies are typically very docile and can be housed together without issue. They are very friendly with all people and children and are a great addition to any backyard. We love our Silkies!
The hand-built Silkie Coop:
Crooks temporarily lives in the Silkie Emporium
"Katie's Silkie Emporium"
Handmade stepping stones to the coop
Meet the three ladies; Winky, Norbert, and Fluffy.
Meet the new chicks that will be added to the flock! (Gender permitting):
Willow (Rooster)
The Silkies will be used mainly as pets. We may hatch out some eggs if we decide, we would love to see how Silkie/Cochin crosses would turn out. We usually consume the Silkie eggs and sell the layer eggs. We may also use them as broody mamas.
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