

We have three large coops. Our front and back coops are attached to our massive run. Our Silkie Coop is separate. All of the coops have access to our backyard, which is enclosed with 300+ ft of electric poultry fencing. 

Meet the Flock

Silkies: Winky, Norbert, Fluffy, Pepper, Buffy, and the rooster Piper.

Cochins: Ginger, Zest, Chipmunk, and Aurora the Roo. 

Speckled Sussex: Mint, Freckles, Khaleesi, and rooster Sesame. 

Easter Eggers: Zophelia, Sunflower, and Goldilocks.

Golden Laced Wyandottes: Tremisis and Penny.

Australorps: Blueberry, Bear, Toothless, Crooks, Crow.

Buff Orpington: Honey

White Leghorns: Princess Laya and Eluse

Barred Rock: Bellatrix and May. 

Black Sex Link: Blue and Binks.

Cuckoo Marans: Rooster named Charlie. 

We also have unnamed chicks, including ones hatched on our farm and Cuckoo Marans, Blue Laced Red Wyandottes, more Easter Eggers, and Red Sex Links. 


Some pictures of the flock and life on the farm with chickens. 

Our first chicks hatched here on the farm! 


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