Meat Birds
It's crazy to me that these little fluff butts can fill your freezer in just 8 weeks. They quickly grow from the fluffy, cute stage to the large, not cute at all stage very, very quickly. We built a large chicken tractor to be moved around the yard each day to give them fresh grass and feed them organic, gmo free food. Here they were when we first got them: The chicken tractor: Processing chicken is harder and more rewarding than I could have ever imagined. I am an AVID animal lover who also loves meat, so I can't in good conscious eat meat that comes from a store (even the *organic* or *free-range* stuff- trust me there are many loopholes). I had to raise it myself, watch them scratch around for bugs, flap around, and get sunshine, ensure that they had a quick, humane death, and know that as much of their body is used as possible. I have a much greater respect for the meat that I eat and home grown meat doesn't even compare to store bought meat- it i...